Monday, October 06, 2008

Zardari loves India

Don't be fooled into believing that we will be seeing a sea change in Pakistan's attitude towards India, just because Zardari says so. Do not even think for a moment that the Kashmir problem can be solved just because Pakistan changes its public persona. That is exactly what he is, Zardari is the face that Pakistan presents to the world community at the moment. He does not have any control over the army, or the ISI, which are the actual policy-makers with regard to India.

And look at the context in which he is saying all those sweet nothings. Pakistan is in dire economic straits and Zardari is asking for a $100 billion aid package. Do not forget that he is the original Mr. 10 per cent. Of course he will be excited at the prospect of billions and of his personal cut from it. I am sure that is why he has that glint in his eyes. He must be wringing his hands in glee, mentally calculating his personal windfall from the aid package which Pakistan's friends are bound to come up with. He sure can say even sweeter things so that they can part with that money with a clear conscience.

After all, doesn't Pakistan have all those nukes, and can the world and especially The Friends of Pakistan let it slide into anarchy? Who said that nuclear weapons are, at best, deterrents? In the case of Pakistan, they have become a tool for blackmailing the entire world into coughing up aid and supporting a failed state.


Vinod_Sharma said...

You know Sagarone, I see a huge significance in what he has said. Zardari is a Sindhi. The fanatic hatred for India is basically limited to the Punjabis and the Mohajirs. So, when as President he says the Kashmiri militants are terrorists, he is sending an oblique warning to them about where he expects Pakistan to go in future. May be he realises that Pakistan is soon going to be history and is creating space for himself as the leader of the Sind that will emerge out of the shadow of Pakitsan.

Pinku said...

hey...Zardari is comic but I really do hope that he is not a fanatic and will give peace a chance, even if it is at the cost of 10% I really wont object...

Unknown said...

i agree with vinod ( and i have written the same in my post as well). Pakistan do have the reputation of saying something and doing something else..